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Louis Mims


Art allows me the freedom to understand my environment aesthetically. Perception
as the theme in statement, technique a means to articulation. My art helps me
make sense of the world. Experimentation is the dynamic in creativity, giving me a
wider range of expression thru abstraction,The combination of different materials
allows me a sense of balance within the visual dialog. At times I'll prefer process
over statement, finding that exploring a given process in the work often is a
statement in itself. At other times, to be able to throw out existing norms allowing
the work to go in a different direction. By crossing those barriers imposed by the
discipline of medium, I seek a symmetry within diversity. Found objects, odd
angles, multiforms, colored textures, all combine for that uncontrolled balance in
the work..
I remain Influence by the historic merging of abstraction within the African and
European aesthetics styles via visual expression. This, then become the basis for
all other visual interaction. My remaining interested in the historic multicultural
stresses that occurs when iconography is purposely placed out of contents in a
given media,but, then is balanced into a visual statement.
As I have recently become aware of my own mortality, and I am attempting to work
out questions of time changes in the environment of relationship. Art making
becomes not only a process of social necessity, but will.

To Be Updated Soon...


Fulton Art Fair, Inc.
1766 Bergen Street
Brooklyn NY 11223

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