“News Series” 2020 (“Man Bites Dog” )
The images are at the intersection of photo-journalism and fine art. The title, “Man Bites Dog,” comes from the tradition in Journalism as to what constitutes a newsworthy story. It speaks to me as a journalist - a person who prepared themself for a life’s work in newspaper.
Now looking at news being read on this small screen - standing squarely in the Star Trek era of journalism. This little device has subsumed the newspaper.
These image are current and future at the same time - while it gives pause to those of us who know newsprint - the smell, turning the page, ink on your hands.
Remember those expert New York Times readers who knew how to fold those rather large pages expertly on the train - without bothering their neighbors - that in itself was an art.
That man now is this man and this is how he gets his morning news. Morning news now is read on a news App on the phone, lap top or tablet. The image becomes universal - in locating the quotidian, current and future.
I believe there is genius in capturing the demarcation of time and technology, the present and the future of how we get our news.

“Man Bites Dog”
LightJet Print
16″ x 16″

“Man Bites Dog”
LightJet Print
16″ x 16″

“Man Bites Dog”
LightJet Print
16″ x 16″

“Man Bites Dog”
LightJet Print
16″ x 16″

“Man Bites Dog”
LightJet Print
16″ x 16″

“Man Bites Dog”
LightJet Print
16″ x 16″

“Man Bites Dog”
LightJet Print
16″ x 16″

“Man Bites Dog”
LightJet Print
16″ x 16″

“Man Bites Dog”
LightJet Print
16″ x 16″
“Man Bites Dog”
LightJet Print
16″ x 16″
My professional role in New York, for over 25 years, has been as Griot. My beat, my niche, The Art world. My gift of words combined with a nascent ability to communicate and transmit visual renderings into language that engage has served to shed light on those brave souls who have answered the Artistic calling within the New York Caribbean and African-American community.
I have often been the first media professional to feature these Artists - Using my skills as a Journalist, Photo-Journalist, TV Anchor and now New Media Professional to highlight personalities in the Caribbean and African-American Fine Art Community and feature their stories, their art and creative impulse.
Through exposure to a wide cross section of professional artists, art historians, curators, collectors and art enthusiasts as well as a tremendous variety of visual art, my reputation within this community is solid on numerous fronts.
Transitioning to Marketing as "a Social Media Strategist," on the various self-publishing platforms, I combined the journalistic need for up to the minute coverage and innovative storytelling and moved the needle using organic day-to-day digital marketing activities for fledgling brands such as Caribbean Fine Art Fair Barbados(CaFA), and the cadre of Artists I manage, increasing visibility and making them players in the field among their peers.
I coined strategies and formulas pushing the boundaries inherent in the self-publishing social media platforms. Like all innovative ideas, my formulas are copied and re-used making me even more excited about the field and what I can do next.
My Strength particular strength is driving brand recognition and taking a firm/client from ground zero to the next level utilizing social media tactics.
I am in fact a trained storyteller, having a degree in Journalism and Political Science. I also tell stories in pictures. For the last number of years I have been telling the stories of Artists and Arts organizations and helping to market their work and increasing, visibility, growth and branding through Photo-Essays and Studio Visits broadcasted on social media platforms and art related groups.
I manage the brand's social media presence and lead the development and delivery of strategic and creative social media campaigns. I also establish relationships with bloggers and influencers to maximize reach of campaigns and initiatives, measure social media analytics and take action to improve performance and manage community engagement on all active social media channels.
Having spent over 25 years telling Artists story, I decided to try my hand at art making.
2019 sees me debuting works of my own creation.
Artist Statement
My process becomes concrete when the words cementing the ideas meets the page. It is first an idea in the mind. Then the components are transcribed as they come. They never all come at once.
Ideas for the material that would best flesh out the story come also in spurts. The act of creation for me is still a stutter. I have great confidence in the ideas but the broaching of material to paper creates an initial hesitancy. But there is a particular bravery to my choices unbound by material and the strictures of formality. Yet, I am still not comfortable in the surrender to the meditation that would call me an Artist
Fulton Art Fair "On The Fence" June 15, 2019

2019 Mason
646 617-4651
Sunshine Media and Communications
@Sunshinegyall - Twitter
Instagram Sunshinegyall & Manna777 Gallery
Photo by: Mark Luebbers

Tabanca Series
Firmly Rooted, Veneer and All
Mixed Media / Dub 1/5
19.5 x 31 ins

Archival Pigment Prints
14 x 16 ins

Tabanca Series
Firmly Rooted, White Balance
Mixed Media/Dub 2/5
19.5 x 31 ins

I Love Being
Archival Pigment Prints
14 x 16 ins